Russians flee to Mongolia to escape Putin’s call up as men are ‘dragged from beds in dead of night’ to fight in Ukraine

Article here. Conscription is a huge violation of men's civil rights. Yet the UN and other supposedly human rights-concerned agencies remain silent. Excerpt:

'As the fear of conscription ripples through Russia, some men have been hauled out of bed in the middle of the night and told they had four hours to pack their belongings and obey the mobilisation order.

There were reports of people cowering behind doors and refusing to accept the military summonses.

In Luchegorsk, men who refused to open doors at night were handed the summonses when they arrived at work this morning.

Some 60 men were taken to Bikin, in Khabarovsk region, and sent into the hands of the Russian military machine.

Footage showed Russians enlisted by Putin's mobilisation being taken to training camps.

One man made a last-ditch attempt to escape the enlistment office in Blagoveshchensk by leaping out of a first-floor window.'

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