Men’s Rights Activists Call For Boycott of Movie That Deprives Men of Their Right to Be Violent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Halt the turning of the globe: men are upset. This time, it’s over a film that portrays a woman’s revenge against domestic violence, which was intolerable to men who felt that it was actually about domestic violence against men. In calling for the boycott of a film every once in a while, passionate defenders of the men’s cause feel that real justice for male survivors of violence is served. Even as audiences were invited to suspend their disbelief to watch how a woman has the agency to enact violence back at her perpetrator, MRAs blamed feminism for their collective suspension of consciousness on the issue of violence perpetrated against men.

They felt hurt, moreover, that the film denies their agency to carry out domestic violence without any repercussions — sounding the alarm on their rights being robbed. Fortunately for them, domestic violence still remains a gendered issue in which women continue to have little agency in the real world — leaving more than adequate room for men’s rights.'

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