Sheding Light On Female Sex Abusers

Anonymous User writes "Last week,like many other times in recent years,a female teacher was accused of sexually abusing a male student.This article, (from Florida`s Sun Sentinel), tries to shed some light on the problem and lists other offenders.

I feel this topic is in need of a serious study of some sort."

One thing these articles always seem to miss is the pressure on boys to have sex. By the age of 10, every boy I grew up with knew that if a woman offered them sex they must take it or they are "gay", which to a young boy means they are stupid, don't deserve any friends or respect, and that it's okay for other kids to beat them up. We hear about the pressure teenage boys put on teenage girls for sex all the time, but the media ignores the pressure society puts on boys by it's very concept of manhood.

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