Biden Administration Resurrects Office To Help Women 'At The Breaking Point'

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'Shortly after President Trump arrived at the White House, he disbanded an office specifically focused on women's issues. Now President Biden is resurrecting it just as quickly.

Biden has promised that gender equity will be at the forefront of his administration's policies. To help achieve that goal, he is creating a new Gender Policy Council within the White House — a reformulation of the Obama administration's White House Council on Women and Girls.

"Major structural disruption requires major structural change," council co-chair Jennifer Klein says in an interview with NPR. "Thinking big right now is exactly what we need to do. So, now's the time."
"We need to maintain a laser focus on the particular needs and priorities for women and girls," Klein says. "If you look at last month's job numbers, women have lost jobs in historic numbers, particularly women of color, and the caregiving burden is falling disproportionately on women."'

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