Penetration Kills

P George writes " Here is a short article on AIDS. The arctile summary says "Latest AIDS statistics point to sexual and syringe intromission as the vectors of contamination of a disease that disproportionately cuts down women, gays and racially-despised minorities. Created in Quebec by Montreal men against sexism, this logo attempts to raise the issue of penetration as cultural icon."

Now if you go to the bottom of the page it gives a link to the National Institue of Health. Near the top of the page it says "Approximately 50 percent of adults living with HIV/AIDS worldwide are women.", which means the other 50% are men! Then further down the page under the heading " HIV/AIDS in the US" and exactly right above the statistics that these "men against sexism" cut and pasted it says "Approximately 40,000 new HIV infections occur each year in the United States, about 70 percent among men and 30 percent among women." Whose being the sexist here?

Then click on their attached file. It's a picture of a red no smoking sign with a syringe turning into a penis. On the sides it says "Penetration Kills" followed by the inside saying "Montreal men against sexism"! I can't articulate on how this sign is misandry but I can't imagine a similar sign with a vagina that says "cavern of chlamydia" or something. This seems like purely Hate propaganda to demonize men. Why would they do this? What do you guys think?"

I agree with you that the sign is misandrous, and the reason I would call it that is it clearly focuses on the penis as an object of hate and fear, while implying everyone with a penis, (and only those with a penis), is responsible for the spreading of STDs. As to the question of why they would do that, well some people may not be aware of this but in addition to ourselves and groups like the NCFM, ACFC, etc. there is also a fake men's movement. A movement which purports to oppose sexism and care about the issues which effect men but is really just composed of self-hating male feminists. Men Against Sexism is a group which fits this category, and I would bet that the Montreal Men Against Sexism is just a division of that group. A brief perusal of their homepage should tell you what they're about, and why they would actively try to demonize men.

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