A strong stand against the DV industry

CJ writes "Cathy Young has done it again. She has outlined in a prominent Boston Globe article how the domestic violence Industry is based on the false premise that violence happens as a result of “patriarchal norms” and not because of personal psychological reasons, and that the current "lock 'em up" dogma that plagues average non-violent men in our society is tragically flawed. Linda G. Mills (of New York University, a professor of law and social work and author of the new book) book "From Insult to Injury: Rethinking Our Responses to Intimate Abuse" addresses the flawed dogma of the DV industry. The current ideology that views all men as wolves and all women as lambs is too deeply entrenched in society needs to be heard by politicians, judges, prosecutors and many others. It took the "mainstream" feminists about 30 years to establish their monopoly on the public debate about domestic violence. Mills' book may be the first step in dismantling that monopoly. Lets show our support for the book and to the Boston Globe for publishing this brave article. Lets get behind this one!"

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