A Crazed Academic Weaponized Title IX Against a Rival Professor Whose Job He Wanted

Article here. Excerpt:

'What do you do when a rival professor is about to land your dream job teaching creative writing at the University of Michigan? If you're "J.", the villain of a terrific, horrifying story in today's New York Times, you file a series of anonymous, false sexual misconduct allegations against the professor and her wife—trusting that Title IX's byzantine investigative process and the accompanying rumors will sabotage their career and make you the next job candidate in line.

J.'s victims were Sarah Viren and Marta Tecedor, a married pair of professors at Arizona State University (ASU). Their story—composed for The Times by Viren—is worth reading in full, but to summarize: Viren received a job offer at Michigan, and Tecedor initiated the process of finding one as well (universities often make "partner hires" when one half of a married academic couple is interested in moving). J. believed he was a runner-up for Viren's position, and in order to take her out of the running, he sent emails to ASU's sexual misconduct investigator—who operates under the auspices of Title IX, the federal law mandating sex and gender equity in education—accusing fist Tecedor and then later Viren as well of soliciting sex from unwilling students.
The ordeals suffered by academics like Viren, Tecedor, Flor, and Hay are just part of the reason that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was absolutely right to revise the federal government's Title IX guidance to colleges and universities.'

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