UK: Tory MP’s hate crime Bill ‘ridicules’ gender-based abuse – Lib Dem

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Tory MP has been accused of taking a “dismissive” and “ridiculing” approach to gender-based abuse after he tabled legislation calling for prejudice against men to be made a hate crime.

Liberal Democrat Wera Hobhouse will present a Bill in the Commons on Monday which seeks to require police forces to record hate crimes motivated by misogyny, and make motivation by misogyny an aggravating factor in criminal sentencing.

But Conservative Philip Hollobone has tabled identical legislation – with “misandry” also included.
She said that making misogyny a hate crime could enable the crimes to be prosecuted more severely and show how prejudice against women influences crime.

However Mr Hollobone said her Bill “reflects blatant gender bias”.

Ms Hobhouse told the PA news agency: “Statistics have shown that the number of women killed by men has been increasing year on year. Gender-based violence and discrimination is a problem that has not gone away and disproportionately impacts women.'

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