The Eyes of the World are upon us!

Lee Newman writes "The first Commission on the Status of Men in the World has been established in NH.
This Commission was appointed by the Governor to address health concerns and other issues that affect men. This is a very important and necessary initiative considering the high rates of male suicide and other major health, family and even the legal concerns of men.

VIP/SAFE-NH will take an active role in assisting the Commission regarding the issues surrounding violence against boys and men. Everyday we see the impact on men caused by the gender bias that is frequently present in provision of services and compassionate understanding.
We see the impact on boys who are beginning to believe that they are going to grow up to be “bad men”, because of the gender bias they observe and experience as young children.
After a while, if society only hears one version of the ”truth” they begin to believe that it is the only truth…we hope that this Commission will bring another perspective forward that needs to be considered.
Depression, isolation, suicide, stress related illnesses, emotional trauma, homelessness and other issues have a serious impact on the men and boys who go without the services and care provided to women and girls…it is time to “take gender out” of these issues and
”put humanity in”!

We hope that those in our State who have been prejudiced against the formation of this Commission will eventually see it as a good thing for all of us who enjoy the “quality of life” in NH and want to make sure that ALL of our citizens have the chance to pursue that as well!

Please use this link to voice your opinions or show support for this important Commission!

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