All the Latest News on Spiderman

Spiderman Speaks in this exclusive interview with Nick Webster in which he discusses watching the kids wave up at him in the crane and being made to feel like a monster for wanting to see his daughter.

Anonymous User writes "English fathers' rights protester David Chick is being vilified by the mayor of London and others for his traffic stopping, six day protest on a crane above Tower Bridge. In his newest column "In Defense of Spiderman" men's and fathers' issues columnist Glenn Sacks rises to his defense."

Men's News Daily also has a new article posted in which Carey Roberts dicusses the antics of Fathers 4 Justice, the explosion of men's rights activism, and of course Spiderman.

A.J. writes "Here is an
online petition" to “Free Spiderman”. I think he deserves our support.

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