Gendercide web site
Matt writes "Good site on "gendercide":
I see an opportunity for men's issues/rights activists to be involved in this area, especially as it links us in more directly with human rights issues (ie, it's a possible "in" for our issues, which have such a hard time getting press in human rights circles as such).
From their "about" page:
"Gendercide is gender-selective mass killing. The term was first used by Mary Anne Warren in her 1985 book, Gendercide: The Implications of Sex Selection. Warren drew "an analogy between the concept of genocide" and what she called "gendercide." Citing the Oxford English Dictionary definition of genocide as 'the deliberate extermination of a race of people,' Warren wrote...." Please Read More.
Warren wrote:"By analogy, gendercide would be the deliberate extermination of persons of a particular sex (or gender). Other terms, such as "gynocide" and "femicide," have been used to refer to the wrongful killing of girls and women. But "gendercide" is a sex-neutral term, in that the victims may be either male or female. There is a need for such a sex-neutral term, since sexually discriminatory killing is just as wrong when the victims happen to be male. The term also calls attention to the fact that gender roles have often had lethal consequences, and that these are in important respects analogous to the lethal consequences of racial, religious, and class prejudice."
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