Massachusetts reclaims heritage of witch hunts with bills against campus due process

Article here. Excerpt:

'The presumption of innocence might as well be a thing of the past in Massachusetts. More accurately, the Bay State appears to be returning to its roots of assuming the guilt of marginalized communities.
H-1209 and S-764 would require “trauma-informed training” for investigators. This is akin to telling investigators “accusers are never wrong,” and it’s based on “science” that’s about as reliable as Puritan identification of witches. (Even the Trump administration still funds this abomination.)

Zalkind Duncan warns that such training can “instruct investigators to place the burden of proof on the responding student to disprove the complainant’s account, or encourage investigators to ignore or explain away evidence that may call into question a party’s credibility.” The University of Texas police force, for example, is instructed not to collect evidence that could help an accused student.'

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