HuffPo editorial doubles down on anti-male, anti-white, and false narrative in Covington incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'The group of high school boys from Kentucky’s Covington Catholic High School, seen on tape wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and ridiculing some of the marchers, including U.S. veteran Nathan Phillips, should be accountable for their actions. Phillips says he approached the boys because they were already exchanging racial taunts with another group of protesters and he was was trying to calm things down. However, the subsequent debates over the exact sequence of events and the question of whether the students should be identified don’t place responsibility for the ugly scene on the people who should really assume it: the adults.
Combine that with the common belief of teen boys in their absolute right of freedom of speech and expression, their ignorance of how they appear to others, and the emboldening effect of a large group, and the whole thing was entirely foreseeable.'

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... stop digging. HuffPo, like other suchwhats, has only increased the digging to a frenzied pace. The more they dig, the worse they look. Such is the arrogance of the MSM.

The author basically indicts the boys for being white and male and teenaged. She identifies the perceptions of others as a major factor then blames them for the fact that others hold prejudices about them. Huh?

Then goes on to say that well, anyone who wears a MAGA hat should naturally just assume others will see it as tantamount to wearing a Nazi arm band and well, should expect to be abused.

"Make America Great Again" = Nazi swastika?


Then her entire piece is written in a total state of denial about what the vids that have been released actually show.

Did she do an internship at the Ministry of Truth, by any chance?

No matter. Everyone, including liberals like her, know what happened.

I just have to wonder: what if these boys had been girls instead?

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