Welcome to the Destructive Age of Male Guilt

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2006, author Shelby Steele wrote the preeminent book “White Guilt” on how the promises of the Civil Rights movement were subverted, plunging our society into never-ending racial conflict and eroding our principles of liberty. I use this book as the basis of my thesis because everything Steele has written can be applied to feminism and the destructive effects of socially imposed Male Guilt.

They step into a void of vulnerability. The authority they lose transfers, not to the principles that determine rights for all — which should have been the result of Women’s Liberation — but to the “victims” of historical sexism. This socially derived authority becomes those victims’ great power, a club to use at their whim. This is why male guilt is quite literally the same thing as female power — and power is what feminism hungers for.

A vacuum of moral authority is formed in our society from simply knowing that one’s sex is associated with sexual abuse, oppression, and sexism. Men (and American institutions that have been dominated by men) must acknowledge historical sexism to show themselves redeemed of it, but once they acknowledge it, they lose moral authority over everything having to do with sex, equality, social justice, and so on.

Because male guilt is a vacuum of moral authority, it makes the moral authority of men and the legitimacy of American institutions contingent on proving a negative: that they are not sexist, that they are not sexual predators, that they are not rapists. This is an impossible effort, for one cannot prove a negative, hence the democratic principle of innocent until proven guilty.

The great power of male guilt comes from the fact that it functions by stigma, like sexism itself. Men and American institutions are stigmatized as sexist until they prove otherwise. Fear of stigma is behind the now clichéd male disclaimer: “I’m a male feminist. I show up at the Women’s March lockstep with the sisterhood. I’m pro-choice. I automatically believe that women who accuse men of sexual assault are telling the truth.” This is another way of saying, “I might be a man, but I am not a sexist, because I support feminist causes and I always believe women.”

In Marxist fashion, the feminist movement has developed a kind of special consciousness about sexism. Modern feminists believe that the world constantly tells lies to the oppressed — to women — and to survive oppression, a woman must not only be “woke” to those lies but also nurture a deeper awareness of the world and who men really are — inherently sexist.
In other words, ugly human prejudices like sexism did not just remain in the hearts of sexists. These dark passions work by an “invisible hand” to generate society structures that impersonally oppress. Anyone who conforms to mundane standards of social decency — such as presumption of innocence, the rule of law, meritocracy, free markets — executes bigotry and shapes society around it without necessarily feeling animus toward women.

This is why women can play the sexism card at every turn. It works by the mechanisms of global sexism: even a hint of sexism proves the rule of systemic sexism. Men, and any institutions dominated by men, never pay to the measure of any actual sexism or sexual abuse; they pay to the measure of sexism’s hyped-up and bloated reputation in the age of male guilt.

Just as it is with racism and white guilt, the more men give into being guilty of this “global sexism” simply because they have admitted actual sexism in the past or to individual cases of sexism in the present, men will always be sexists. They will always be guilty without hope of being proved innocent. Female rage will continue, and a destructive ideology — not principles of liberty — will hold the high ground, forever waving the flag of moral authority.'

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... "woke" to what it was and how it worked. I simply said "Go fuck yourself," and that was that.

Once you realize you are being gamed and manipulated, it's easy to tell people who try to pull this kind of BS on you to go f*ck. Further it's easy to kick them out of your life. It really is very easy to do. Just do it. Actual friends do not beat you over the head with shaming/guilting based on sex and/or race bigotry. And you do not want to be friends or associate with anyone stupid enough to fall for it.

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