University shuts down Affirmative Action protest

Doctor Damage writes " reports that Texas University shut down a bake sale which was set up to protest Affirmative Action. white males had to pay $1 for a cookie. The price was 75 cents for white women, 50 cents for Hispanics and 25 cents for blacks. The Universities justified its action saying "This was not an issue about free speech" (uh huh...) "It was really an issue where we had a hostile environment being created."Has anyone heard of a protest which did not result in hostility? is hostility not the underlying reason and purpose for any protest. One remark:"They were arguing that affirmative action was solely based on race. It's not based on race. It's based on bringing a diverse community to a certain organization." struck me as the most egregious sophistry I have encountered in many years (over a decade) following the development of mens politics"

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