Washington Post covers DC Commission on Black Men

Matt writes "My letter to the Post is as follows. I hope they publish it.


To the Editors:

It's great that the Post covered the problems of black men and boys in DC on 9/13/03 at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A364 7-2003Sep12.html

The problem though is that the article fails to mention what the root cause of fatherlessness is among blacks (and whites as well) in America's families: government programs that discourage ordinary women from forming long-term, committed relationships with ordinary men, the teaching of misandry to our young people of both sexes in our colleges, and so-called "family courts", influenced over the last 30 years by gender-based ideological dogma, that have worked mercilessly as a father-and-child-separating machine. All this, to create some kind of feminist utopian single-motherhood state. What's happened here in DC for the black population is an example of what is happening all across America, only moreso in DC for a variety of reasons.

Feminists and their allies in the government are the root cause of fatherlessness in society. Generalized misandry, found all over pop culture and in the mass media, reinforce the attitudes that support the policies.

The government has led the war on men and boys at the behest of feminists; they now are responsible for leading the effort to counter their misguided application of the family-destroying agenda they started in the first place."

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