Katy Perry's ‘American Idol’ Kiss Points Up Double-Standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'Katy Perry kissed an “American Idol” contestant ― and he didn’t like it.

Benjamin Glaze spoke to The New York Times about what he described as the “uncomfortable” kiss ― which happened to be his first kiss ever ― broadcast Sunday on the season premiere of the recently rebooted show. Glaze didn’t consent to the kiss and said he would’ve refused it if Perry had asked permission.

“I wanted to save it for my first relationship. I wanted it to be special,” Glaze, now 20, told the Times.

“Would I have done it if she said, ‘Would you kiss me?’ No, I would have said no,” he said. He added that he didn’t feel sexually harassed by Perry in the audition, which was recorded earlier.

“I know a lot of guys would be like, ‘Heck yeah!’ But for me, I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately,” Glaze said. “I wanted my first kiss to be special.”'

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