'Davos Man needs to listen': WEF 2018 co-chaired entirely by women

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the first time in the 48-year history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 2018 summit in Davos, Switzerland will be chaired entirely by women.

The move, a response to previous criticism about the prominence of men in the running of the event, will see seven women on 2018's meeting.

The co-chairs of the event include International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde, IBM Chief Executive Ginni Rometty and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Solberg told CNBC ahead of the summit that it was "an honor to be asked to be co-chair at the World Economic Forum this year."

"I look forward to meeting representatives from the business sector, politics and various organizations to discuss how we can bring the world forward," she said.
"Davos Man needs to listen if he cares about his families and particularly about the question of equality and equal opportunity for his daughters," Burrow, general-secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), said. "If you ask me whether this rise of the alpha leader has created a wave of misogyny, you know my answer is yes."'

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... going to say to Davos Man that he hasn't already heard? "You're an evil patriarchal downpressorman and are bad, bad, bad!" OK, so what happens when you tell a multi-billionairre these things? What exactly do you expect him to do, just give away his billions and go sign up for WST classes?

Davos is as I understand it a meeting of top dawg economic leader-types who are there to discuss the political and economic forces shaping the world at the moment and try to figure out what the implications are and what if anything can be done to avert undesirable outcomes. Deciding who should chair/co-chair it based on sex isn't conducive to the meeting being... comprehensive. The meeting chair positions as well as attendee list should, for the purpose of it to be served, be determined by who are the top dawgs, not what is in their pants.

The surest way to make a meeting like this irrelevant is to do anything that undermines its actual purpose.

No matter -- it's all about money. Should the Davos meeting become functionally irrelevant because the agenda doesn't match with reality, they'll only invent a new meeting. One far less public, too, I wager.

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