'Victimhood narrative' taught in schools fuels anxiety in young women, academic claims
Article here. Excerpt:
'The “victimhood narrative” that is being taught at schools and universities is fuelling anxiety in young women, an academic has argued in her new book.
Doctrines of “everyday sexism” are “rape culture” are having a “debilitating” effect on girls’ confidence, according to Dr Joanna Williams, a lecturer in higher education at Kent University.
Institutions which should be promoting women’s rights - such as schools, universities and feminist campaigners - are now doing more harm than good, she argues.
In a new book, titled Women vs Feminism: Why We All Need Liberating from the Gender Wars, Dr Williams say that the breed of feminism which is considered “fashionable” nowadays involves telling young women that casual misogyny and sexual harassment are rife.'
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The cure for anxious women is...
... now and has always been: FATHERS. Women growing up with a good relationship with their fathers who also took the time to teach them things and encourage them uniformly have the lowest rate of anxiety disorders, number of panic episodes, etc., as compared with women who grew up without fathers or who had bad relationships with them.
I recall reading about a certain founding karate master (I think it was Tatsuo Shimabuku, founding master of Isshin Ryu Karate; if I am wrong in which master it was, my apologies to the world of martial arts history in advance) who taught his daughters karate. This is mere speculation, I know, but I bet none of them suffered from anxiety issues. I also bet none of them were afraid of h@ving a man just plain look at them, too, not especially after h@ving learned 22 ways to kill him from their old man, LOL!
I have met any number of teen-aged girls who are my friends' daughters and I know how well they get along with their fathers (their dads tell me). Without exception, the girls who have good relationships with their dads do not seem the least bit anxious. On the contrary, they seem quite self-confident and the not the least bit shy or afraid of men. The ones that have a not-so-good relationship with dad, or worse yet, none at all due to divorce, etc.: all h@ving problems, without exception.
The more we separate children from their fathers, notice, the more maladjusted and grown up dysfunctional they are. I'm not saying that every kid with a good relationship with dad turns out OK; all they need to do is do something dumb like start shooting smack and all the good upbringing in the world gets taken down. What I am saying though is that it seems to me kids with good dads and especially with good relationships with their dads seem to be a lot more self-assured, much less frightened by others or social situations, and much less likely to need anti-anxiety meds.
Uh, what about the effect on young men's confidence?
What about the adverse effect on young men's confidence when they're told throughout their education (and especially at University) that they are potential sex predators, oppressors of women, unfairly privileged, etc. It's odd how everything is framed in terms of how it affects women and girls even if men and boys are adversely affected by something.
Back in college (late 1980s), there were feminist groups on campus. I dated a woman who fancied herself a feminist (but who wasn't really a feminist in the sense we see today). There was the patriarchal oppression types around. So we were exposed to these ideas about how we were so evil, etc. No one I knew drank that Kool-Aid. I think by age 30 or so I saw all that for what it was: bullshit. Since then it hasn't touched me.
But I also wasn't hit with the Kool-Aid when I was a grade-schooler like boys are now being in some parts. And the uni I went to didn't have mandatory trainings during week 1 of freshman year telling me how evil I was, etc. So the quality and qty of this crap the boys are taking has increased markedly and now has official sanction. Just how well they are doing these days I can't say, lacking any direct experience of it myself. But just as you have suggested, it can't be good for them.
I wonder if they can or will follow a similar path as I and many others... once away from the bullshit, the head clears, reality sets in, and you can call it for what it is. But this is in retrospect and there is no guarantee any given man will or can emerge from the influence of such nuttiness on his own by his own wits.
Possibly men-supporting-men needs to look like this: we identify a man who has ingested the vileness of feminist propaganda and we counsel him to sanity. Promise Keepers did something like this only they'd get in a circle around a man, put their hands on him and pray for him.
Well I am not suggesting anything quite so dramatic. More along the lines of a de-briefing. You spot a man who has ingested the evil, buy him a cup of coffee, sit him down, and explain to him what has happened:
1. You were corralled into an indoctrination environment: school/college.
2. You were taught by haranguing and shaming that there was something wrong with you or in almost anything you thought or did, esp as pertains the opposite sex.
3. You were made to feel miserable and ashamed of yourself.
4. Good news: You are no longer in that environment. Better news: It was all bullshit engineered by a small but influential group of feminists (mostly women but not all) designed to keep you occupied while the college you attended gave you a really bad education in exchange for 10s of 1000s of $$ that you now owe back to banks in the form of college loan payments.
5. In short, you were shanghaied by feminists in collusion with uni admins who were selling you a seriously sub-standard, unmarketable product that put you in debt for 1-2 decades all before you realized what was happening to you. The classic species-that-preys-upon-its-own-young routine.
6. New information: You are not shameful, evil, or bad. You are not a born rapist or otherwise made to be an oppressor of women or anyone else. It's OK to be you. Anyone who can't deal with that can go fuck themselves and you don't need them anywhere in or near your life.
7. No. 6 in mind, so tell me, how does your old lady treat you?
And we go from there.