Good article on male sexual assault victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Caleb Byers still struggles talking about the night he says he was sexually assaulted.

When he starts to describe the scene — the way a male acquaintance he considered a father figure gave him a cup of “basically pure” Bacardi 151 and sat uncomfortably close before dragging a hand up his leg — the normally ebullient, easily excited, nerdy 25-year-old’s face goes blank.
Even five years past, the raw pain of that night and the years of addiction, depression and PTSD that followed are always there, he said, just one memory away.

The Register does not normally identify victims of sexual assault, but Byers, a Council Bluffs native, consented to make his name public in an effort to break the stigma he says exists against male victims of sexual violence. By telling his story, he hopes others feel safe to tell theirs, too.'

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