Is North America's opioid epidemic a crisis of masculinity?
Article here. Excerpt:
'Against this stark backdrop, a professor at the University of British Columbia has highlighted a different statistic from the crisis: in 2016, of the 935 fatal overdoses in the province, 80% were men.
Research that shows men are more likely to use illicit drugs, so it is perhaps logical that they are more likely to overdose. But the clinical psychologist Dan Bilsker argues that the figure suggests a relationship between the crisis and masculinity – one that may offer clues as to why the death toll continues to rise, and where the solutions might lie.
“I think we haven’t really thought deeply or well about who men are, about what the pressures on them are, what we need them to be,” he said.
Bilsker has spent years studying men’s psychological health, delving into why men live an average of four to six years less than women and are more likely to kill themselves. In some ways, the opioid crisis stems from the same tangled roots, he said. And as with many other health issues, its singular interaction with gender has been largely overlooked.
Bilsker believes the government’s response would be different if those dying were 80% women. “I suspect there would be more groups – more people actively involved in raising public awareness – who would speak up and engender a greater sense of this being an important issue,” he said.'
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Male = disposable
No different from why female criminal prisoners get so much more concern from the public and government. Male = disposable. Nothing new here. Why are men subject to the draft and not women? Same principle. This is, alas, no surprise to MRAs. It's as predictable as the sunrise. A dead female overdosed junkie is a tragic victim. A dead male overdosed junkie is human garbage who was good for nothing but dying and better off dead. Only tragedy is he didn't die sooner.
Same shit, different day.