UK: "I Went to a Feminism Class for Boys"
Article here. Excerpt:
'It's 9 AM on a Friday, and I'm sitting in a classroom at Trinity, a private boys' school in Croydon, England, with 13 male feminists. They're sitting in pairs, flicking through handbooks labeled "Great Men" and writing down lesson plans. All of them are volunteers for a charity called the GREAT Initiative, which, among other things, trains men to go into schools to teach boys about gender issues. Each pair of volunteers is about to introduce themselves to a class full of Year 9 [8th grade] boys.
I'll never find the real answer to that question, but attending the workshops enabled me to think about gender issues from the perspective of 13-year-old boys. What have I learned? Mainly that it's probably quite confusing. I chat with a few of them about consent.
What the sessions do show is how damaging male stereotypes are. It is well reported—but perhaps not nearly analyzed enough—that suicide is the most common cause of death among men in the UK under 45. Some 94 percent of the UK prison population is male. Women and men suffer massively at the hands of men attempting to live up to the way society thinks they should. And as the "Great Men" volunteer handbook explains, "There is too much of an emphasis on women and girls solving this situation; girls are taught how not to be a victim, how to be assertive, or how not to stand for discrimination."'
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