Social Justice Warriors Are Targeting Our Boys
Article here. Excerpt:
'There’s been much discussion in the parenting world regarding how to handle raising boys. Paranoid feminists essentially believe they must emasculate their boys, forcing them to remain in a toddler state of continuous wonder and love lest they dare to do so much as form a fist, let alone the dreaded finger gun. Masculinity advocates long ago titled this strange rage the “war on boys.” Now, self-titled “healer and spiritual thought-leader” Raven Anne Quigley has determined that the war on boys is actually a series of “microaggressions perpetrated against boys” on a daily basis by various cultural figureheads including their own parents.
Quigley asserts that all boys are told as preschoolers to “man up” and not cry before being thrown into inherently violent sports programs against their will. All families, even the non-abusive ones, inherently teach boys the values of “violence, aggression and hyper-sexuality (violence toward women)" through the simple act of teaching them to defend themselves. Quigley explains, “A family only needs to be afraid that the boy will get beaten up himself, to harshly and powerfully school him on how to ‘be a man.’”
All of these assertions are not based in fact, but rather a series of hypothetical scenarios best left to the stuff of tween TV with gay students being slammed into lockers by peers who are addicted to violent video games. The reality is that boys are naturally active creatures who often see the world in competitive terms. Their addiction to concepts like superheroes who kill bad guys has more to do with problem-solving than violence. And very few boys ever transition from active to truly aggressive. But, because facts don’t mesh with Quigley’s ideology, she simply ignores them.'
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Disposable protectors
Men are taught to be "disposable protectors" who fight against the bad guys. Men are expected to give up their lives to protect the lives of others, especially women and children. That's what a superhero does, and why boys can relate to them: a superhero is a good buy who protects us against the bad guys.
Claiming that men are taught to be violent against women is simply untrue. Men are taught to use their strength to protect or die for women and children. Men are also taught to use no more violence than is necessary to achieve their goal. And most of their violence is directed toward other men.
But feminism has created a new problem for men: friendly fire from the very women men are supposed to protect. And men are not sure how to defend themselves against this friendly fire, so for the most part they don't. Even men who are abused by their wives rarely fight back--and when they do, we send them to jail.
MGTOW is basically a response to the absence of appreciation of "the good men" by women who for millenia appreciated "the good men". Now that feminism has taught so many women that any man who appears to be "a good man" is in fact a closet rapist/child molester/abuser-in-disguise and/or failing all that, an evil ally or upholder of PATRIARCHY yet even if he actively rejects it (eg: the male feminist), a lot of men have decided waiting around for contemporary women to regain sanity isn't worth it, or that same is unlikely to happen any time soon. So MGTOW was born.
MGTOW comes in several flavors but the basic message is simply: we don't need this grief. So MGTOW men avoid marriage and children (at least, having children with a woman; perhaps some can succeed at becoming adoptive fathers in some parts of the world even unmarried, but not typically), don't date, and generally avoid the company of women unless it's necessary for work, etc. Contrary perhaps to the impressions some of them give off, or the image some others may want to portray of them with, I don't think the typical MGTOW man is hostile toward women in general. He simply rejects the terms under which modern women generally seek to have a partnered relationship with men. I doubt in an interaction between the average MGTOW man and the average woman, the observer could tell the man had adopted MGTOW as a strategy for coping with the current state of affairs.
In fact I suspect most MGTOW men don't know the acronym describing it, but have just come to a certain conclusion about how to deal with this aspect of life and are doing so.
Ultimately, the easiest way to avoid people who annoy you for whatever reason is to simply not have a relationship with them. Works much of the time.