Why Is the NEA Funding Discrimination?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some might think that the theater world would be an unlikely place to find racial or gender discrimination, but a call to action named “Jubilee 2020” from Howlround, a nonprofit “knowledge commons by and for the theatre community,” is a direct plea for discrimination. Howlround has asked theater companies to pledge that in the year 2020 they will produce no plays written by straight white men. Thus far, 70 theater companies around the country have signed the pledge, and the number is growing.
Jubilee 2020 is divisive, illiberal, and dangerous. All of us, and especially our government, must make it clear that there is no place for racial or gender discrimination in art. It is my hope that theater companies in the United States will reject this pledge. It is already the law, as set forth in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that companies signing the pledge may not receive a single penny from the government of the United States.'

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I hope straight white men boycott theaters in 2020 in response to this (not that any self-respecting one would step foot near a theater in the first place).

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