When did men (particularly dads) become so idiotic?
Article here. Excerpt:
'OPINION: It's a wonder they have managed to survive to adulthood, a miracle they could negotiate procreation.
I'm talking about men depicted in advertising, dolts so dumb they can't feed themselves or work an appliance without a smug woman rolling her eyes at their clueless stupidity.
You know who I am talking about: the dropkick who uses his girlfriend's pads as make believe robot armour; the manic moron who stays up all night searching for the best holiday deal while his partner is all over it in a click; the old guy who thinks his missus says he's the best lover when she's talking about insurance cover; the panicking man child left to cook the kids a healthy meal; the goose trying to work out how an air freshener can randomly squirt; the bloke who thinks tampons are cat toys; the baffled dad who explains to his kid the Great Wall of China was built to keep out rabbits…
Some women might find these depictions of men as a long time coming, considering how their sex has been used and abused over the years to sell practically everything and anything – well, our boobs and butts have anyway. But 40 years on, advertisers are slightly more careful about how they depict women, fearful of feminists' wrath if they're seen to be sexist or patronising. Not that it has stopped them completely – that's never going to happen when the first rule of advertising is sex sells.'
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