SAVE: ‘Kangaroo Courts’ on the Loose: SAVE Urges Lawmakers to End Campus Rape Tribunals

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / February 14, 2017 – Recent reports at Baylor, Stanford, and Tufts universities reveal campus disciplinary committees lack competent staff, adhere to flawed policies, and suffer from severe conflict of interest problems. As a result, sexual assault victims and accused students alike are being shortchanged.

In late January, lawsuits were filed by two former female students against Baylor University. The women charged school coaches were inappropriately involved in disciplinary and criminal matters for sexual assault cases, among other allegations.

Last week, the Editorial Board of the Stanford Review issued a strongly worded verdict on its college’s sexual assault policies: “At Stanford, we have seen firsthand what many students and faculty are recognizing nationally: the reforms have failed. Sexual assault investigations usually fail to secure both relief for victims and civil liberties for the accused.”

On February 9, an exposé strongly critical of the Title IX policies at Tufts University was released. The report charged sexual assault investigators possessed far too much discretionary power and were not held to proper standards of impartiality. The report also revealed that Title IX training materials were being kept secret.'

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