Obama undermines Trump on civil rights with last-minute appointments
Article here. Excerpt:
'Obama appointed the Education Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights, Catherine Lhamon, and defense attorney Debo Adegbile to be commissioners on the Civil Rights commission. Most of the media has simply ignored the appointments, the Left has praised them and right-leaning outlets have focused heavily or exclusively on Adegbile. While Adegbile certainly has his share of problems, I can say that at the very least the man likely believes in due process.
The same cannot be said of Lhamon, who has been instrumental in eroding due process protections on college campuses. Lhamon co-authored the infamous 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter from the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, which severely limited accused students’ due process rights when suspected of sexual assault or harassment. This letter is not legally binding, but it effectively carries the force of law because if schools don’t comply they face being named publicly as under investigation for not creating safe environments for students, and risk losing federal funding if they refuse to change their policies. (Other departments’ investigations are not so public, and no school has dared risk a loss of funding).'
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