Title IX tales: Uneven gender justice
Article here. Excerpt:
'A male student from Williams College in Massachusetts accused his ex-girlfriend of sexual assault. A month later, she made a counterclaim against him. Guess whose accusation was taken seriously.
John Doe, as he is identified in his lawsuit against the university, had been dating Susan Smith (not her real name) for two years between fall 2013 and winter 2015. In spring 2015, Smith graduated and took a job with the college, where she worked until June 30, 2016. Doe was still a student at the university when Smith became an employee, and they continued to date.
(This report is based on court documents from the U.S District Court in Massachusetts, including Doe’s lawsuit against the university and supplemental materials that include email exchanges, phone records, investigative materials and attorney letters. None of the participants would speak on the record for this story. Watchdog was unable to locate the female accuser, and colleges and attorneys involved are unable to comment on the specifics of any case because of federal law protecting student records.)'
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