County Schools considering adding 'affirmative consent' to sex ed curriculum

Article here. Excerpt:

'Middle and high school students in Montgomery County may be in for a change when it comes to sex education. A new proposal would add a tool called "affirmative consent" to the curriculum and would teach students more about consent instead of conflict.

We have heard the phrase “no means no” when it comes to sexual assault. But now, Montgomery County Public Schools are one of the first school systems in the country to consider this change when it comes to teaching students about sex education.

Maryland Del. Ariana Kelly (D-Montgomery) recently spoke to other local lawmakers about a bill that would teach Montgomery County seventh and tenth grade students in the classroom more about saying "yes" when it comes to sex.
However, the Montgomery County Board of Education is opposed to the bill, saying in part:

“All health curriculum is aligned and guided by research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Education Standards and the Health Education Curriculum Content and Standards … Based on the research and guidelines, Grade 7 health education curriculum as it related to sexual activity, focuses on waiting to engage in sexual activity, peer pressure and the potential consequences of sexual activity. At the 10th grade level, a large section of the curriculum is dedicated to sexual aggression and consent.”
Del. Kelly said they are even looking at how to incorporate age-appropriate affirmative consent curriculum for students as young as fifth grade.'

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