Police: Woman upset over election makes false rape claim
Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2016-11-20 03:22
Article here. Excerpt:
'A woman who said she had been sexually assault told police that she made up the claim because she was upset over the election.
Police heard about the claim on Nov. 11. The department got an email from someone who had seen a Facebook post in which a woman said she had been assaulted in Kirkland. The post also said Kirkland police responded, but didn't investigate or file a report.
Police began investigating but couldn't find any sort of call matching the woman's claim in the dispatch center.
The identifying information on the Facebook post had been marked out on the email, so investigators couldn't identify the woman.'
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"America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton"
'Then there was Lena Dunham, who came out in hives—actual hives—when she heard Clinton had lost. Her party dress "felt tight and itchy." She "ached in the places that make me a woman." I understand being upset and angry at your candidate's loss, but this is something different; this is what happens, not when a politician does badly, but when your savior, your Athena, "light itself," is extinguished. The grief is understandable only in the context of the apocalyptic faith they had put in Hillary. Not since Princess Diana kicked the bucket can I remember such a strange, misplaced belief in one woman, and such a weird, post-modern response to someone's demise (and Clinton isn't even dead! She just lost!).
It's all incredibly revealing. What it points to is a mainstream, Democratic left that is so bereft of ideas and so disconnected from everyday people that it ends up pursuing an utterly substance-free politics of emotion and feeling and doesn't even realize it's doing it. They are good, everyone else is bad; they are light itself, everyone else is darkness; and so no self-awareness can exist and no self-criticism can be entertained. Not for even one second, in Heffernan's words. The Cult of Hillary Clinton is the clearest manifestation yet of the 21st-century problem of life in the political echo chamber.
Mercifully, some mea culpas are now emerging. Some, though not enough, realize that Hillaryites behaved rashly and with unreason. In a brilliant piece titled "The unbearable smugness of the liberal media," Will Rahn recounts how the media allowed itself to become the earthly instrument of Clinton's cause, obsessed with finding out how to make Middle Americans "stop worshiping their false god and accept our gospel."'
Reason number 115
Reason number 115 why women make false accusations of rape: their candidate lost the election.
i knew
a year ago (or more) that if Trump was nominated, right before the election false allegations would start surfacing. its what feminists do, like abortion. you really can spot evil once the blinders come off.