Straus Refutes DV Myths Again - Will the Media Lis
Code Monkey writes "Murry Straus publishes more research again on dating violence in college aged men and women, as described in this UNH press release. From the release:
Straus says that while most of the assaults on dating partners by students are relatively minor, such as slapping and shoving a partner in anger, the rate of more dangerous assaults, such as punching, choking and attacks with weapons, although much lower, is still alarmingly high at 10 percent. Women assaulted their partners at about the same rate as male students did, Straus also found....The study also looks at the relation of the social context to crime, finding that a large percentage of students approved of slapping a partner's face in some circumstances. An average of 42 percent approved of a husband slapping his partner, while 76 percent said it was all right for a wife to slap her partner.
Please help to promote this study and get the media and public to accept the truth about domestic violence!"
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