We Created 'Rape Culture.' Now We Get To Live With It.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Traumatic. For her. But what about those whose reputations have been dragged through the mud by Rolling Stone's libelous “report”? Nicole Eramo, UVA’s former dean of students, is fighting for damages in court right now after she received hundreds of defaming emails and letters calling her a “rape apologist” and a “disgusting, worthless piece of trash” following the article’s publication. While the magazine may have retracted its story, who repairs the damage done?

The answer: no one. And the reason? Because this is the society we created.

It’s the society that demonizes a man for simply being a man, unless he renounces everything male and begs the Holy Vagina to forgive him his natural trespasses. A guy accused of rape is a villain even when his accuser is proved a flat-out liar, so long as she carts a mattress around campus and voluntarily films her own porno afterward.

It’s the society in which casual sex is worth the cost of the cheap beer it takes to get you there, and in which a female college student can’t be held accountable for her promiscuity when she’s drunk – but a guy sure as hell can.'

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The feminists favor teaching men not to rape. By this they usually mean a self-righteous feminist standing in front of a bunch of college freshmen, wagging her finger, and telling them they are all guilty of either rape or not doing enough to prevent rape. Freshmen are starting to walk out on these lectures.

But I recently came across an article by a male feminist who argued fathers of sons must teach their sons not to rape. Now that's a valid argument: as FRAs have said for years, most rapists in prison were raised in fatherless homes--about 80%. The best way to increase crime in a neighborhood is to get rid of the fathers--when fathers go, crime comes.

But still I had to laugh while reading the article. After all, for more than 50 years, feminists have been telling us kids don't need no stinkin' fathers. The government has mostly agreed. So many boys don't have fathers around to teach them not to rape--or commit other crimes. Thanks to the feminists and the politicians who agree with them.

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