The Red Pill and censorship

Via Fathers and Families - NY:

'Take a Stand Against Censorship

Several weeks ago, we informed you of a new film, “The Red Pill,” exploring many of the issues that FAFNY members care about and profiling the activists working to raise awareness of them.  Now, it has come to our attention that an extremist group has exerted pressure on the movie theater in Melbourne, Australia, where the film was scheduled to be screened, causing them to cancel the screening.  We cannot allow this to happen.  We’ve all worked so hard and waited so long for an opportunity like this to have our views get a fair hearing in the mainstream culture.  They know that they can’t allow this film to become widespread because it’s simply too powerful.  Only the most closed-minded people could watch it without being moved.

A petition on to reinstate the screening has already gathered over 6,000 signatures, more than double the count on the extremists’ petition calling for the movie to be censored.  We urge our supporters to support this effort to protect free speech around the world and allow the other side of gender politics to be heard as well.'

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