Op-Ed: If we really want women in combat, men must do more

Article here. Excerpt:

'We can’t merely open the door to women, we need to help them walk through it with recruitment campaigns to encourage the most qualified to apply, specific messages that explain why they are needed on the battlefield, and special programs to help them prepare physically. Female mentors are important, but experience and common sense indicate that male soldiers and senior leaders have to engage women, face-to-face, if the military is going to be fully integrated.
My experience training women confirms this, and what I tell them about the infantry is that average women shouldn't apply but the above average should: those who are strong both physically and mentally and those who want to lead infantry soldiers in combat. Because it’s crucial to maintain the same physical standards for men and women in close combat assignments, the military should put into place long-term physical training programs to help women develop the abilities to meet those requirements.'

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