Australia: Marxist agenda in anti-violence campaign

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'AFTER losing her son to domestic violence in 2014 it’s understandable why Rosie Batty continues to campaign so vigorously on the issue. As someone who, as a child, saw my mother violently beaten by my alcoholic father I understand the urgency of the problem.

At the same time, it is vital not to let the campaign against domestic violence be captured by the sisterhood to force a radical feminist agenda where men and boys are portrayed as miso­gynist and always guilty.

And this is just what is happening with the Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships program being implemented south of the border.

Hot on the heels of the Marxist-inspired Safe Schools Coal­ition program, which also originated in Victoria and has gone national, primary children as young as seven and eight are being taught domestic violence always involves women as the victim and that the primary cause is because men are guilty of “hegemonic masculinity”. This is described as the dominant form of masculinity requiring “boys and men to be heterosexual, tough, athletic and emotionless, and encourages the control and dominance of men over women”.'

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our allies and mates south of the equator are being assaulted below the belt, metaphorically, and perhaps physically as well. it is just getting worse by the day. the neutering of the western male is well underway. already fem's should give thanks to the monetary assistance forcefully taken (as in taxes) from the very people being victimized (men, and boys too). the number of women/feminists being rewarded in some way by society (gov) has been growing since forever, w/ the costs ultimately being passed on to current generations who soon enough will be facing these financial challenges. hiring women into higher and higher roles is happening. in our complex, capitalistic societies, it isn't something that needs to be done just to make a segment of society feel good about themselves, or to meet some asinine goal, or requirement. the capitalistic system will eventually level the playing field, as the market can bear it. no harm, no foul. just a gradual adjustment is always best w/ complex systems. force-feeding socialism almost overnight into capitalistic systems has never worked. just ask Venezuela. I just saw today online where a father was wondering if some prisoners there had not eaten his son. wtf?

free stuff in many forms, such as affirmative action, welfare, corrupted courts w/ alimony, auto-c.s, college grants just for women, gov research $$ diverted from primarily men's cancers (prostrate) to women's' (breast) cancers, v.a.w.a. billion$ (to where exactly?), and such is waaaay out of hand. the list of one-sided programs for certain groups is long, and breaking the financial world's back, as long intended. it has long been a plan to implement their failed socialist/fascist agenda. ladies, plowing that mule into the ground isn't going to help anybody, and could well put us all back into much harder times, what remains of us after the fall.

just mho of course.

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It really speaks to Rosie Batty's moral bankruptcy that she could lose her son to DV and then go on to be a part of an "education", or really, re-education system that victim blames male victims of DV. I can't help but wonder what her son would say to her about this, if he were still here. I guess getting blamed for your partner's violence against you is "male privilege". God help Australia.

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