Here’s what men actually talk about in a locker room

Article here. Funny. Excerpt:

'As a general rule, I do not do a lot of on-the-ground reporting from inside men’s locker rooms. Call me old-fashioned, but when it comes to news, I prefer more traditional locales: press conferences, courtrooms, artisanal doughnut shops.

However, given Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recent insistence that the lewd comments he was recorded making in 2005 were nothing more than “locker-room talk,” I decided it might be worthwhile to check in on the current state of the American locker room.

Having last spent time in one more than a decade ago — back when conversation among my high school cross-country teammates centered primarily on the best way to eradicate Cheetos from one’s braces — it seemed a lot had changed.

And so, around 11 a.m. on Monday, I headed over to the Boston Sports Clubs gym on Boylston Street, finagled a free one-day pass, and made my way through the maze of workout equipment to the men’s locker room, ready to see what I could discern.'

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