"Let’s Stop Helping Terrible Men Go Viral"

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’re on Twitter, it seems you always find out the same way. You see a new hashtag trending, and a few friends tweet things along with the hashtag that seem vaguely funny but also confusing out of context. Another friend tweets: “I won’t do it. I won’t read the article.” And then you know: Another Terrible Man has gone viral.

These articles by Terrible Men rarely seem to come from any publication with name recognition. They often show up on sites we’ve never heard of. And I’m always left scratching my head: How were they ever found in the first place?

However it happened, we all direct our rage at these men who don’t acknowledge boundaries, men who don’t understand headphones, men who tell women not to wear their engagement rings to interviews, men who would never, ever date feminists, and then we dissect their terrible opinions line by line. Their pieces provide endless content for tweets, rebuttals, and memes. In fact, these writers have already meme’d themselves. We crack our knuckles and begin crafting our own takes; it’s almost an art, at this point, and provides a convenient and understandable outlet for our frustrations. We get a whole flood of reaction articles, wherein awful opinions by Terrible Men from the darkest corners of the internet are posted with additional commentary in order to share and prolong the outrage.'

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So, I guess in her mind "Terrible Men" = MRA.

I get it, she is trying to silence the reaction to anti-feminist/MRA articles. She wants you to think it is a strategic move, rather than feminists lacking the ability to defend their position.

She also realizes that the adage about phases of a political fight is becoming reality: "first they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win" and MRA's are well into the 2nd phase. She would like to go back to the "ignoring" phase. (Too late!)

Anyway, she uses typical shaming language that MRA's are in the dark corners, creepy males and no one should take them seriously. If that were the case, then why did she bother writing her piece?

....I say she is worried.

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