Obama Blames American Sexism for Hillary Clinton’s Low Poll Numbers

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama suggested at a New York fundraiser that American society is sexist, which is why Hillary Clinton is struggling to beat Donald Trump in the polls.

“There’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman president–that we as a society still grapple with what it means to see powerful women,” Obama said during a speech on Saturday evening. “And it still troubles us in a lot of ways, unfairly, and that expresses itself in all sorts of ways.”

Obama pointed out that the presidential election will be close, but that it should not be, and he took time to defend Clinton’s qualifications to serve as president.

“She’s been in the room where it happens, repeatedly,” Obama said. “And her judgment has been unerring, and she has been disciplined, and she has been extraordinarily effective in every job that she’s had.”'

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Why anyone is still listening to this fool is beyond me.

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Aside from the fact that she has never been elected to a management position, in a limited way I do think Hillary is qualified for the presidency -- and no more or less than Trump.

However, that said, I do not like a strong central government.
Also, like Scalia, I think the Constitution is a dead document to regulate the country, not a "living document" to enable social justice warriors.
And I am tired of Clinton's assertion there is a war on women.

And THOSE are my reasons against her (among others such as the rights of the unborn).

Now setting that aside, I am totally stunned that Obama has said this. The democrats don't have a clue as to the massive groundswell of MRA's that are waking up and rising.

The comment of his is so lacking in political acuteness, I am stunned. How could he be so stupid as to do exactly what Hillary has done: insult the base of Trump's supporters. Do they really not have a clue as to what is coming?

The democrats and the NY Times are like the proverbial skunk on a long road in Kansas, as it turns its tail in defiance of the two headlights bearing down on him, not realizing it is an 18 wheeler racing with total indifference.


Trump: This will not stop until we make is stop
Clinton: Trump is a provacateur
Obama: Trump supporters are sexist.


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