UK: MPs call for end to abusive men using courts against families

Article here. Excerpt:

'The government must carry out a full review of family courts to stop them being used by violent men to perpetuate abuse against their partners and children, MPs have said.

They called on the justice secretary, Liz Truss, to act swiftly to tackle deep-seated cultural attitudes among family court judges which put the rights of abusive men over the safety of women and children.

MPs were debating research by Women’s Aid which revealed that between 2005 and 2015, 19 children in 12 families were killed by violent fathers who had been allowed to see them through formal and informal child contact arrangements.

The debate focused on many personal stories of women who had been subjected to violence and coercive control by their partners, only to have to face them again in the family courts when the men fought for child contact.

MPs said the family court system was allowing violent men to re-victimise women. Increasing numbers of men were representing themselves and re-traumatising their victims when they made repeated and often spurious applications for access, they said.'

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These MPs are beyond deluded if they think it's only men who abuse the system. I'd be surprised if men even comprised 25% of those who abuse it.

But then again, this is the land where violent females almost always walk free. So, surprise, surprise. I have to say though, the U.K. is really turning into a gynocentric wasteland.

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