SAVE: Most College Rapists Never Spend a Day in Jail

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Two weeks after former Stanford University student Brock Turner was released from jail after serving a 3-month sentence for raping an unconscious woman, members of the public continue to express outrage and concern that campus rape is not being taken as a serious problem.

SAVE urges lawmakers to consider the lessons of the Turner case:

1. Rape is a heinous offense, and needs to be treated that way.

2. Local criminal justice authorities – not the Stanford University disciplinary committee – were the appropriate persons to handle the case.

3. Alcohol abuse is a major contributor to sexual assault, and binge drinking needs to be addressed.

Unfortunately, few of the bills debated in state legislatures in 2016 addressed any of these factors. Instead, most bills espoused unproven approaches such as affirmative consent, evoking concerns about the erosion of the presumption of innocence.'

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The sentence Brock received was definitely paltry, but still infinitely larger than the sentence most, if not all, female rapists receive. Hopefully, this incident will serve as a wake-up call to the justice system to stop letting sex offenders (both male and female) off so easy. It probably won't, but a boy can dream.

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