Canadian PM accused of being a fake feminist

Article here. If you lie with dogs, senor, expect to awaken covered in fleas. Excerpt:

'But nothing truly wonderful can last forever, and this week, the influential Canadian media outlet MacLeans declared Justin Trudeau a “fake feminist” and a gender equality fraud.

Apparently, according to MacLeans, while Trudeau has been winning their hearts in public, he’s been waging a quiet war against everything feminists hold dear in private. His first offense: putting Canadian economic stability over the whims of social justice warriors. His further offenses: not giving in to feminist demands.

“‘Feminist’ Justin Trudeau delivers a deeply un-feminist first budget,” wailed “women’s rights blog” Rabble after Trudeau had the nerve to increase funding to infrastructure and construction, where employment is 88% male, instead of a more “female-focused” profession. Trudeau refused, they said, to “drill down” to the “intersections and injustices” that define female inequality, though they didn’t quite define exactly what that meant.'

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