NPO: Another Victory for Shared Parenting: Nevada Makes the Grade

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2014, NPO’s Shared Parenting Report Card evaluated each state’s child custody statutes (not case law or the actual behavior of courts!) on the degree to which the laws promoted shared parenting. At that time, Nevada was near the bottom of the pack. It received only a ‘D’, a barely passing grade. To be fair, it had a lot of company at the bottom of the class. Twenty-three states received ‘D’s and two received failing grades.

But Nevada’s Parental Rights Protection Act of 2015 brought about dramatic changes that will greatly benefit Nevada’s children. Attorney Keith Pickard (Henderson, Nevada), who was the principal architect of the bill, brought these changes to NPO’s attention. The changes bring NPO’s grade for Nevada’s child custody statutes from a miserable ‘D’ to a ‘C+’. A ‘C+’ on the NPO Shared Parenting Report Card might not seem like anything to brag about. But only eight other states received a ‘C+’ and only eight states received grades higher than a ‘C+’. None received an ‘A.’ So, in a single legislative act, Nevada has moved from being among the worst states for shared parenting laws to being in the top third.'

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