Title IX And College Rape: A Series Of Injustice, Part 4

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine you were blackout drunk. Not just incapacitated and unable to clearly give affirmative consent, but intoxicated to the point of absolutely no memory. Envision yourself then hearing about what happened the night before via text messages and campus chatter, and discovering that oral sex was performed on you while you were blacked out. Then imagine, two years later, being expelled from school with a giant black mark on your future.

Wait, what? Why would the victim of a sexual assault be expelled?

Because being impaired is “never an excuse.” Because the “victim” of the sexual assault was a young man who later became the accused.

John Doe was a student at Amherst College in Massachusetts. After a night of drinking, a female student named as Sandra Jones helped Doe back to his room. Once they arrived, she proceeded to perform oral sex on him, and left when she was done. According to court documents, nearly two years later, at the urging of an on-campus victims advocate, Jones filed her sexual misconduct complaint with the school.'

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