"Feminist Cringe Collection"

Video here. Description:

'Welcome to the channel that provides everything CRINGE worthy. I will be uploading the most cringiest compilations every other day. So sit back, Subscribe, and get your daily dose of cringe.'

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LOLOLOL! There is so much material that I couldn't watch the whole thing.

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somebody done got free tokens to get into the crack machine. hard to watch. 2 questions - 2 observations:

1. what was up w/ all that screaming? at first I thought the Celtic women had been bitten.

2. did most of them become so rabid fem's 1st, or was it after they looked at themselves in the mirror?

1. seriously doubt the hair under the arms, or a hairy woman in general, will ever be sexy, at least to most hetero, 1st world men.

2. when did being a feminist start w/ being o.k. w/ abortion at any time in a pregnancy? I believe most everybody is fine w/ a woman taking care of their problem sometime in the beginning before the life they are blessed to carry takes on the physical characteristics of a human being. feminists don't seem to be ok w/ logic. like in the cartoon, they take all their issues to their ultimate extreme. you must follow their insanity into the outer reaches of all their issues, no matter how foolish they sound, to be one of them. seems to be a very typical approach to issues w/ 'perpetual victims' groups these days. they should issue a warning: logic not included.

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Feminists have to be okay with abortion at anytime during gestation and no matter how many times they abort, because to be non-supportive of anything less would be a conflict in their core belief that women can stop a fetus from occupying their bodies at any time, without any shame.

The flip side of that thought process is that anyone who feels that late term abortion is less ethical than an early abortion must make that reasoning based on their feeling of giving value to the fetus's life and letting that value over-ride the mother's right to bodily autonomy.

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