Watch SJW Woman Berate Lyft Driver Over His Dashboard Hoola Girl Until He Kicks Her Out

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rebel Media commentator Lauren Southern uploaded a video she was anonymously sent showing an insane Social Justice Warrior (redundant) laying into her driver for having a classic dashboard hoola girl displayed in his car.

The "vocal-fried" SJW in question is a woman named Annaliese Nielsen, the founder of "Girls Night In," a secretive and selective women's community which she described to ABC News as an exclusive online sorority. Apparently these women enjoy going out, having a few cocktails, and then hunting for males who will undoubtedly offend them in some SJW rage-inducing way.

In the video (below), which she recorded herself, Nielson begins her self-righteous rant on the evils of hoola girl knickknacks by telling the driver, "You thought that was adorable? You didn't think about the pillaging of the like, continent of Hawaii?"
Eventually another passenger in the car calls Nielson's over-blown reaction pathetic, which only fires her up more to argue with the driver, calling him a "selfish dumbass idiot."

Finally, the driver's patience runs out, he boots her from the car, and speeds away like the Road Runner from Wile E. Coyote.'

Video here.

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Uh, Hawaii is an island, not a continent. How ignorant. And the inanity gets worse from there.

What a nutcase! Good thing she was kicked out.

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Wow!...what an idiot....and as some one who has spent alot of time in Hawaii (I consider myself Hawaiian - my grandmother is native), I can say we are very proud of the hula and Hawaiians will continue to sell hula dash ornaments. I used to have one in my car.

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