Men need not apply: Meet See Jane Go, a startup ride service for women only

Article here. Excerpt:

'For men hoping to hail a female driver, See Jane Go redirects them automatically to Uber or Lyft through its app, which avoids any discrimination claims. The company will not allow male passengers unless accompanied by a female.

“We didn’t want to completely cut men out because we want our women to have maximum flexibility using the app,” said Toonen. “As long as the woman is the account holder and is the one who hailed the ride, he can come along. She’s informally saying, ‘He’s OK, he’s with me.’”

She added, “There will never be a situation with a female Jane driver alone with a man in the car.”'

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What's really funny, apart from this business treating men like they're Middle East women (but that's okay, of course!), is that this type of business model eliminates around half of potential clients, and sends them straight to the competition.

In the end, companies like SeeJaneGo will make less than their competitors, a fact which will be used as more fodder to whine about the mythical wage gap. I can see the headlines now: "All Female Taxi Companies Earning Less Money Because of Sexism!!!"

Also, what exactly is stopping someone from lying about their gender when using the app?

This is another case of myopic feelz over logic.

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