Belinda Brown: Women exploit men’s chivalrous instincts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Psychologists recently established, for the benefit of those too blinkered to know already, that society perceives harming women as less morally acceptable than harming men.

This was in the past deeply beneficial to evolution. A society’s survival would have depended on the number of mature females able to reproduce and the degree to which their children could be nurtured, nourished and protected to maturity. Both of these processes would have required adaptations where women’s interests and wellbeing were prioritised over those of men.

Sadly, the way women have in recent times exploited this pivotal position means the benefits that accrued from this sort of behaviour are being reversed.

There are two consequences that flow from this greater concern for women. Firstly, what has been dubbed “The Empathy Gap”; a lack of empathy, and understanding when it comes to the problems facing men.

For example academic literature explains male suicide as a result of the male urge for power. When this is thwarted, suicide becomes a way of re-establishing control. It is not just Labour MP Jess Phillips who laughs at male suicide. I was recently at a lecture at LSE where the subject came up. When a member of the audience said that the higher rate of male suicide was a result of them being more effective at using weapons, the audience simply laughed.'

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