Joe Biden pushes debunked 'one in five' sex assault statistic at Democratic convention

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even though Democrats, activists and the media insist campus sexual assault is such an "epidemic" we have to eviscerate due process rights to solve it, there has been little mention of the issue at the Democratic National Convention.

Even the biggest campus sexual assault fearmonger of them all, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, ignored the issue during her convention speech. There's hardly any mention of it in the Democratic Party platform.

But Vice President Joe Biden, one of the other peddlers of the alleged epidemic, did mention the issue in a video that played prior to his convention speech. The video pushed the debunked statistic that one in five women will be sexually assaulted in college campuses. Anyone who's looked into the statistic beyond the talking points of the biased people who crafted the survey it's based on will see that it is nonsense.'

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