Court complicit in paternity fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'Shortly after Chris Atkins began dating Lori Lonnquist, she informed him that she was pregnant. As Atkins tells Fox 31 Denver, he “tried to do the right thing,” and the two Colorado residents got married.

When their daughter was two-and-a-half years old, the pair split up, after which Atkins paid child support and enjoyed visitation rights.

Eight years later, Lonnquist decided she wanted to change their daughter’s last name. When Atkins refused, Lonnquist informed him that the child — whom he had been supporting for the past eleven years — was not his, and a DNA test confirmed her assertion.
While declining to enforce visitation rights, the court continues to require Atkins, pictured below, to pay child support, even though the child is not biologically his, and despite his not being allowed to see her for the past four years.'

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... doesn't mean it isn't paternity fraud.

Dress it up in any amount of pompous verbal diarrhea, the message reads the same: Square heads down for the big paternity-fraud gang-bang.

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