Male DNC delegates barred from seating due to gender

It's Hillary's Democrat Party! Brace yourself, as this is just the beginning! Story here. Excerpt:

'A complaint to the Democratic National Convention says two male Vermont delegates were replaced by women in the name of "gender balance" and without adequate due process.

The complaint, filed by 21 Vermont Democrats, says the national party this month ordered the state party to replace Vermont Sen. Tim Ashe and party stalwart Ken Dean although Dean and Ashe were elected June 11.

Dean told The Associated Press on Wednesday about the complaint. It was filed with the DNC credentials committee.

Executive director Conor Casey of the Vermont Democratic Party said Thursday the state party was trying to follow national party requirements. A national party spokesman didn't immediately reply to a request for comment.'

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... just threw a party and uninvited 2 guests because they were ewww, icky boys... the party of inclusion seems to be rather exclusive. Is this how they aim to reward loyalty, win friends and influence people?

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they were 'manspreading'. serves 'em right. what in the world are males of any sort doing voting for pure, unadulterated and unfiltered man haters? (rhet.)

we need a new word down here for those wide load females taking up an entire aisle at the store or causing one to have to cross the mall median just to get around them. when you get to the grocery register behind them its easy to figure out how they get so fat when you see all the fattening free stuff we buy for them.

not so funny true story. not ling ago I noticed a couple loading up on expensive stuff like the best steaks and so forth. they had 2 buggies loaded up w/ only the best goodies. somehow I got behind them in line and watched them use their free stuff gov. card. it was raining that day so I had parked down the parking lot a ways to get under cover and guess who was hiding way down there loading up a very expensive brand new sports car w/ all those expensive steaks. you guessed it. not the 1st time I have seen it happen either. they looked at me just like the fatso I accidentally caught last prez election stuffing voter cards under her fat arse. you know, like they had just swallowed a bug.

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